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Thunderbird passwords


The question has come up, "when I change my email password, how do I set it up so that Thunderbird will use the new password?"

It's not entirely obvious in the Thunderbird interface how to do this.  Once you set up your email account, Thunderbird remembers the password you give it, and doesn't have an obvious place to change it. 

So, here's how to do it:

1.  You need the "Tools" menu, and the default install of Thunderbird no longer displays the menu bar which has "Tools" on it.  So you first need to enable the menu bar.  The top of the page in newer versions of Thunderbird has a tab which shows your email address.  Behind this is a blue panel.  Right-click on this blue panel next to that tab (not above it), to summon a menu that has "Menu Bar" as an option, and put a check mark in that option.

You should then see a menu bar that includes: File  Edit  Go  Message..... etc. At the end is "Tools".

2. Select Tools | Options to bring up a settings panel. Select the tab "Security". Then select the tab "Passwords". Click on "Saved Passwords".  There you will see a list of passwords that Thunderbird is saving for you. Remove the one of interest, or for a clean sweep select "Remove All".  The click the "Close" button.

3. Now, the next time you access your email account, Thunderbird will ask for the password and save it for further use (if you like).

 A Link for further information.


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Article ID: 1
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2017-07-02 20:51:53
Views: 2648
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (75)

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